Clan Registration
Purchase Clan Packages Here
Country Dancing Registration
Highland Dance Registration
Piping and Drumming Registratons
Please download your form and follow the written instructions for mail in.
Patron Packages
Two levels to suit your needs
$145.00 The Clansman Patron Package includes one preferred parking pass with a program, two badges for admission to the Friday Evening Reception, Call of the Clans, and hospitality tent as well as two wrist bands for admission on Saturday and Sunday of the Games. Includes the Saturday Night Celtic Concert.
$245.00 The Highlander Patron Package includes two preferred parking passes with a program, four badges for admission to the Friday Evening Reception, Call of the Clans, and hospitality tent as well as four wrist bands for admission on Saturday and Sunday of the Games. Includes the Saturday Night Celtic Concert.
Trophy Sponsorship
Sponsor a trophy and help congratulate our incredible competitors.